Love Everyone & Tell The Truth


These are the two instructions that were famously given to the spiritual teacher Ram Das by his Guru before he went back to America to share what he had learned.

Love everyone. And tell the truth.

I’ve been pondering these guidelines lately in my own life - as teacher, mama, woman, citizen.

At first glance they might look rather benign, like a casual, “be kind and be good,” kind of vibe.

But I actually think the statement is far more potent.

You see, to love everyone, to truly have a heart of compassion for humanity takes a powerful and gritty practice.

It’s the type of wisdom that does not come from shying away from the hard or heavy stuff to keep “love and light.” The wisdom that knows ultimately, beyond any veil of separation, we are made of the same stuff. We all come from the same source. And at the heart of it, we all want to be happy, and heard, and loved.

Even that annoying/frustrating/ignorant coworker/family member/stranger etc.

Loving everyone takes daily work to notice where exactly our own barriers to giving or receiving love live. And remembering how to be sensitive enough to feel and heal them instead of projecting them upon others.

Loving everyone requires putting your ego in check again and again.

Loving everyone also requires healthy boundaries - learning what they are for you to protect your energy and still be of service.

Loving everyone is deeply vulnerable. Because everyone will not love you (and that’s ok). Because you will experience hurt and loss and pain (and you must grow through it). Because loving everyone is the last thing that the power/control matrix wants you to do right now (and it’s the highest rebellion).

I have been practicing a more loving orientation when I feel frustrated with a certain situation. I back up, I seek the higher, more neutral and compassionate perspective. This is definitely easier said than done. It takes energy, practice, and daily work.

No, I’m not perfect.

Yes, I am doing the work.

Loving everyone looks like walking down the street with a loving nod and open heart to all I see. Maksed. Unmasked. Nanny. Mama. Group. Man. Woman. Kiddo. Dog.

Then there’s the second part to contend with. Tell the truth.

In a world where truth is so veiled and indeed so different from person to person, what exactly does that look like?

Lately I’m realizing it looks like this:

Not shying away for sharing what I know to be true in my experience.

Not apologizing for being myself.

Not pinning myself into one perspective and thinking that I am right and that the other person is wrong.

Not shunning from sharing provocative content.

Telling the truth - my truth - is an act of conscious rebellion.

The truth is - there is much more going on than meets the eye.

The truth is - we were born for these times.

The truth is - we need to remember our own power and our own voice.

The truth is - we are divine beings having a human experience.

The truth is - the Earth is in a battle for consciousness.

The truth is - your practice, and your intention, and your minding of your mind has never been more important.

The truth is - if you want the world to be better, you have to be better.

The truth is - I believe in you, I believe in me, I believe in us.

When we love everyone and tell the truth we are often challenged, confronted, and - at times - even ridiculed. But to live with this orientation is to live with a deeper meaning and higher perspective. I’m ready to receive more compassion so I’m giving it. I’m ready for the world to wake up to more truth, so I’m sharing it.

I hope you’ll join me in these powerful times of loving, truth telling, and living. Sat Nam.

Joanna Andreae