32 Things I know


On the eve of my birthday, in keeping with reflective tradition, I’m sharing 32 things I’ve learned on the journey thus far:

  1. I know when I’m curious and grateful, I feel most alive.

  2. I know we are so much more than the physical body. The physical body is a wonderful vehicle, but there are many, many more layers. Most eastern philosophies know this, the west is finally catching up.

  3. I know there is a major broadcast of fear and negativity on the planet. I know I’m not interested in subscribing to it and I’m taking measures to choose a more productive path.

  4. I know that watching my son eat a juicy strawberry for the first time with such delight and awe is something I’ll remember forever.

  5. I know that waking up with purpose and creating something - even if it’s small - is a satisfying day and a beautiful way to feel unstuck.

  6. I know that words of encouragement from other mamas got me through challenging early days of motherhood and I am still so appreciative of that support.

  7. I know having a teacher that is constantly uplifting and inspiring you to be better, freer, and happier is the most valuable gift.

  8. I know that anything that advises you to distance or divide you from your loved ones is something to question.

  9. I know that my reality is not necessarily the same as another person’s reality.

  10. I know that this is one of my greatest quarantine lifelines.

  11. I know that community is immunity. So is being around an individual with high frequency. Finding those that live on a frequency of upliftment, encouragement and kindness rubs off on you and it’s wonderful.

  12. I know this Rumi poem is giving me energy: “Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I’m changing myself.”

  13. I know this mantra repels negativity and can change my mood in moments. It’s also a secret to getting my kiddo to sleep more soundly during naps or nighttime.

  14. I know that if you actually don’t care about what you don’t care about, you’ll be a happier person.

  15. I know if you are clear about what you do value and then you act like it, you’ll also be a happier person.

  16. I know that visualization and imagination of positive outcomes are powerful tools that many forget in later years but successful folks practice often.

  17. I know that quality over quantity can be applied to pretty much everything.

  18. I know that insomnia can be wonderful if you’re always looking for times to meditate.

  19. I know that parenting can make you feel clueless and inadequate at times. But it’s also an incredible experiment in (eventually) trusting your intuition.

  20. I also know that the early days of parenting are a real butt-kicking-spiritual-bootcamp. But they chiseled me into a self that has far more endurance, grace and grit.

  21. I know that working on myself without apology and with great consistency is the biggest act of selfish selflessness. It’s all for me. And it’s all for the collective.

  22. I know that having the Queer Eye theme song (Oh things just keep getting better) stuck in your head is actually quite fun.

  23. I know that critical thinking takes prana.

  24. I know that more time in nature - especially reveling in the constant “now” of nature - is always a good idea.

  25. I know that relationships - like everything worthwhile - thrive with more quality time, presence, and appreciation.

  26. I know that I can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought.

  27. I know conscious consuming is valuable to a point. Then I must create to be truly fulfilled.

  28. I know that seeing life as a co-creation with the universe rather than a - just you doing it all - attitude is a subtle shift that brings great energy.

  29. I know the ability to make people laugh is something I will always admire in my husband.

  30. I know learning to work with technology rather than resisting it is important in the digital age.

  31. I know this is an amazing time to be alive. I know it’s challenging, chaotic, and wild. But I know we signed up for living the new earth into existence. And I am grateful to be a part of it.

  32. I know that knowing things is a great first step. And putting them into action, the next one.

Joanna Andreae