A cozy weekend awaits

cozy tea time

Dear ones,

Happy happy Friday! I'm keeping things in short + sweet list-form today as a day of recipe testing, extreme coziness (read: Vermont Flannel head-to-toe PJs), and Harry Potter movie-marathoning awaits me  as this huge snowstorm descends upon the East Coast.  Enjoy these tips and most importantly, enjoy taking good care of yourself this weekend, wherever it finds you. 

10 ways to relax this weekend:

  1. Read that book you’ve been wanting to crack open. I just read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and I’m in the middle of Gabrielle Garcia Marquez’s 100 Years of Solitude. SO magical and so good. I may be reliving my English Major days but I'm enjoying the heck out of it.   
  2. Take a long bath. Keep it warm and simple or add other wonderful accouterments like essential oils, rose petals, Epsom salts...you get the idea.
  3. Have a movie marathon. All the Harry Potters. Sister Act 1+2. Grease 1 + 2. Expect lots of impromptu singing and shouting of, "Expelliarmus!" by all in attendance. 
  4. Practice some gentle yoga. If you are a power or hot yoga aficionado, it can feel incredibly strange to practice gentle/restorative/or yin yoga. That said, it can also take you to a place of deep, profound, and complete relaxation. And on your weekend of chilling, it might be time to give it a try. Youtube is also a wonderful resource for free videos as are yogaglo.com and yogadownload.com.
  5. Cozy up to a fire or even a candle. There is something about the warmth of a flame. It touches this old, wise place in us that helps us unwind and exhale. If you don’t have a fireplace, light a candle, and enjoy watching it's glowing light.
  6. Brew a pot of tea or coffee and sip a mug of it mindfully. Especially on the weekend, we actually do have time to slow down. So try it. Notice what it feels like as you drink the tea – the taste, the smell, the way it warms the belly. Taking 2-3 minutes to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with complete awareness and attention can be a meditation in and of itself.
  7. Take a nap. What is it about people feeling guilty about taking naps. Revel in going back to bed for an hour or two and know that if your body can sleep, it probably needs more of it.
  8. Get cooking! Check out my recipe page here for healthy, easy recipes that actually taste good. Or play on pinterest or instagram until you find something that tickles your fancy. These vegan power balls are always a crowd pleaser.
  9. Play some Board Games. Gather friends, family, neighbors, etc. and actually designate some time to have a Boggle, Scrabble, Apples to Apples or Bananagrams battle.  Adding wine to said board game is optional but always advised for those over 21. 
  10. Tackle a crossword puzzle (or actual puzzle). I must admit, this last tip is not of my own inspiration, but from a friend who loves both puzzles + crosswords. She's excited to do them all weekend and if that's you're thing then have at it and nerd out! 

As always, send your thoughts, additional tips, and inquiries my way. Until then, enjoy some R&R!