Magnificent Week #35


Remembering Claire Wineland, a beautiful podcast on opening to suffering, a lovely recipe to try this week, a brilliant (and funny) show about a boy with autism, and more to make your week magnificent...

This amazing woman lived more in 21 years than many do in lifetimes. Thank you, Claire for your message, your humor and your perspective. Your inspiration lives on. 

I just listened to (and loved) this podcast by one of my original (digital) spiritual teachers. It's about opening to suffering and remembering to watch where the mind gets caught. 

I have been making my version of slow-roasted shiitakes (or some consider this to be shiitake "bacon") for weeks now and thought I'd share. A proper recipe page is coming soon but for now - it's just this easy: Slice 2 cups of shiitake's into thin strips (do take off the super tough bottoms and save for a soup of the compost). Arrange on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, ume plum vinegar (or whatever vinegar you have), and a pinch of sea salt. Roast slow and low for 2 hours at 275, checking once or twice to see if they're done early. Enjoy!

Have you watched this yet? It's laugh out loud funny, deeply touching, and so well written. And the next season comes out later this week. 

Can't wait to circle with you in community, meditation, and intention. Ladies, reserve your seat for this Saturday night's circle here

Taking these mantras with me into this new week.  

Joanna Andreae