Stronger Than You Think



If you have been feeling low energy, or in a funk, or in that weird-yet-exciting transformation space where all you can really do is nap at an almost dangerous length, you are not alone.

After a summer of intense metamorphoses and major upgrades for us all via those 3 eclipses (whether you like it or not) - you are up-leveling. You are integrating those adjustments. You are evolving.

You are getting stronger. 

As many of you know, this summer for me personally has been one that has spanned the spectrum of emotions. High elevated states of consciousness, bliss, and connectedness. Deep sadness, grief, and confusion at the seemingly untimely loss of a young life. Like Rumi's Guest House, I have been swept through again and again and again - as I know you have. 

And it's not a bad thing. Because it's made me question what I thought I "knew" about life and death. It's given me the ability to hold deeper space for trauma. It's made me wiser. I am not the person I was three months ago (or even three days ago for that matter)...and neither are you.

You are growing. Always. Even when it doesn't feel like it. Even when it seems you're going two steps backwards. I assure you - you are simply on the twisty, windy, circular path to becoming more YOU.

Embracing your strengths on your own is a beautiful thing. But doing so in community can be even more powerful. If you're in D.C., I invite you join us at this Saturday's Kundalini Class or next Saturday's New Moon Circle.  Or, if you're interested, you may book a private self-discovery session from anywhere. 

I look forward to continuing to remind you of your awesomeness. 

So much love,

Photography by Emma McAlary