Here Comes The Sun

The Summer Solstice is upon us. In the Northern Hemisphere, today we're offered the most sunshine, daylight, and greatest access to that source of much literal illumination - the sun. 

Today we mark the transition from Spring to Summer, and we have the ability to step into the fiery heat with a new type of power and light. 

Many yogis believe that this solstice season is a very powerful time to make a change - a quantum leap of sorts - in virtually any area of your life that's been holding you back. 

The blazing shine of the sun today says you don't have to hide, you are powerful enough to face what you need to face, and to be and feel more luminous in all you do. 

To capture this solar energy today, I've included a few practices for you to explore: 

  1. Get your thoughts on paper. Ask your self: What am I hiding? Where am I holding myself back? What can I shine a light on today as I step into a new season? 
  2. Meditate. This is a fantastic day to find more clarity of inner being and great healing. If you'd like to join my digital solstice meditation, you can do so here
  3. Light a candle to celebrate the sources of light all around you and within you. You could keep it simple or sit with that flame for a few breaths, minutes, prayers, etc. 
  4. Shake what your mama gave you. Summer is the season of celebration! What better way then to turn on your favorite MJ/Beyonce/80s Dance Party playlist and embody physical joy. 
  5. Spend time in the sunshine. Whether it's an evening picnic or a 5 minute walk at high noon get your skin some of that fantastic vitamin D, really feel the nourishment of the sun as it shines down on you. 

I hope you're able to revel in the great light of today and shine your own light even brighter because of it. 

To harness even more practices to enjoy yourself and your summer, I look forward to connecting over a session