

Here we are, the sweet ending of a year. Though there may have been parts more bitter than nectar, there is a reverence in looking back, and in waving sayonara.

And as with all things of import, I believe in a bit of ritual and intention when it comes to the turning of the final page. In the anticipation of tomorrow, let's not forget we still have today. We can end on a high note. We can allow ourselves to be nourished and prepared to step into a year of greatness. 

To help you do just that, here are 5 rituals to explore on this glorious day. 

SWEAT | Are you surprised I've led with this? There is nothing more detoxing, more beautiful, and more unblocking than moving the body. There's no wrong way to do this!  Dancing is a personal favorite, but you can go for a run if that's your thing, or try a yoga class, whatever floats your boat. Just allow your body the gift of self-cleaning and release on this final day of the year.

GIVE SOMETHING AWAY | This is not an esoteric "letting go" dictum. It's actually quite literal. Is there some object, some physical thing you can give away? Maybe it's a book you just know a dear friend would love. Maybe it's a plant you'd like to surprise a neighbor with. Maybe it's something you donate to the Salvation Army. You decide, but I challenge you to lighten your load on this last day. 

NAME THE YEAR | An NPR segment all about the top 3 words of 2017, inspired me to share the same contemplation.  If you had to boil it down, what are 3 words that describe your 2017? There's no judgment, just a beautiful reflection and forced simplicity in the matter of an ending. To get the juices flowing, here are my three: Kundalini, Theo, Acceptance. 

THANK THE LIGHT BEARERS | Yes I am militant about gratitude, but this is gratitude with a twist. This is an outward act of thanking (at least) three people that really helped you on your way this past year. Three souls that held a torch up to your greatness, your magnificence, and your magic when you felt less-than.  An intentional honoring of those people who inspired you to be better, bigger, and more yourself. It's high time we thank those who do so much for us in small and large ways. 

SILENCE | Feed your ending with the richness of silence. Even if you only set your phone timer for 2  minutes and practice counting breaths. Or lay down on the floor for a 5 minute savasana in your party dress before you go out tonight.  Any form of silence will do. You deserve a bit of reflection today. The currents of 2018 are powerful and can be very positive; make sure you do your spirit the service of finding the center in the swirl of movement around you, the silence in the noise, and the self in the body today.

Thank you, dear reader, for an incredible year of community, inspiration, and appreciation. It's an honor to do this work in the world and I am so in awe of this tribe, the amount of good in the world and the excitement of what's to come.

Cheers to you - and your magnificent life!