Celebrate good times, come on!

celebrate blog

My husband’s 30th birthday was last month.  For the party, like any dutiful wife, I procured a pretty darn cute, “CELEBRATE” banner (thank you Paper Source) and strung it up on our little back deck. The only problem with said adorable sign?  I can’t, for the life of me, bring myself to take it down.

You see I’ve been contemplating this idea of celebration more and more in life lately. I see this little sign every morning when I come downstairs to put the hot water on for tea. It makes me smile and helps me reframe how I want to live my life, and start my day. It helps me to recognize and remember that while the big celebrations (a birthday, a new house, an anniversary, etc.) are important, to me the most significance comes from the little, everyday celebrations. The things we sometimes take for granted. To remind myself to continue to celebrate those little moments, and prompt you to do the same, here’s a little celebration list for today:

  • Celebrating that cute little cardinal that likes to hang out in our backyard by the compost bin.    
  • Celebrating an incredible yoga class – and that feeling when I get up from savasana.
  • Celebrating the most exquisite cup of coffee.
  • Celebrating the way the sky looks when the sun just begins to set – pink, blue, orange, and a little hint of purple.
  • Celebrating the fact that I’m alive – and each breath is a reminder of this beautiful fact.
  • Celebrating my inner life by sitting and meditating, even for 3 or 4 or 5 minutes.
  • Celebrating growth by planting cucumbers, peppers, and radishes in our garden.
  • Celebrating family and friends by giving someone a call just because I want to say “hi” and “I miss you."
  • Celebrating the fact that everywhere you turn this season there are flowers. Stunning, fragrant, flowers. 

There are so many exquisite things to celebrate each and every day. Here’s to the adventure of finding and remembering them in your own life. 

To work on celebrating your own self-worth and prioritizing joy and self care in your life, book a wellness session today. Please note, June is booked but there are still a few openings in July.