what brings you joy?

what brings you joy?
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are"
-- Marianne Williamson

Today I am filled with the great need to discuss joy. There is something so undeniably joyful about this season.  It's like every flower is a celebration, a festival of color. I find myself being completely taken by the beauty of the natural world all around me, sometimes. But, then there are also those moments when I almost walk into a parked car because I'm so distracted by a text/email/instagram that I almost miss what's right in front of me. 

To help encourage us all to stop and smell the flowers, to slow down and soak up the joy, I've composed a list for you of 11 joyful things to celebrate. I hope it inspires you to reflect upon your own list and notice all the good around you. 

These days I'm finding so much joy in: 

  1. Practicing yoga. Especially an amazing class with a dear friend and teacher at Capitol Hill Yoga or Georgetown/Dupont Circle Yoga. If you want recommendations for my favorite teachers (and friends) just ask. 
  2. Hazelnut-milk lattes from the new fancy schmancy Pineapple and Pearls. Hey, it's in my neighborhood and I only go once-a-week for the extra $2 homemade-hazelnut-milk splurge :) 
  3.  Reading inspiring ancient texts like the Bhagavad Gita. This book has been read by so many incredible minds and spirits over the years and was one of the books Ghandi is said to have used as a direct life guide. Such tremendous power lives on in these words of wisdom.
  4. Being outside and smelling all the ridiculously fragrant and beautiful roses around Captiol Hill. How are there so many incredible roses here? Who planted them? I am so grateful! 
  5. Watching old SNL skits over and over again like this one. Or this one
  6. Beeswax candles. They smell like honey as they burn. 'Nuff said. 
  7. A freshly baked bittersweet yet buttery chocolate croissant. I'm hoping to perfect my own recipe one of these days...
  8. Forgiving myself for failing at my morning routine. I'm finding joy in the starting over. And remembering that there are multiple do-overs each day. Every moment can be a do-over. It's incredibly empowering and joyful to see life that way. 
  9. Our new tiny kitchen. Seriously, this cute little kitchen is stealing my heart. Bare minimums and essentials can be liberating. 
  10. Dancing on my own in my pjs to Taylor Swift/Beyonce/my new favorite find, Lake Street Dive. Check out Lake Street Drive - especially their song "Call off Your Dogs" or "Bad Self Portraits" you will thank me later. 
  11. Resting in the excitement of possibilities and potentials. I have a lot of exciting things planned this summer. A lot of workshops, some wonderful and exciting corporate partnerships. And instead of feeling overwhelmed + anxious about the work that must be done to pull these off successfully, I'm leaning into the joy of it all. Seeing to dos as opportunities for joy isn't always easy, but when it clicks - even for a bit - ahhhh it's something. 

I hope this list inspires you to create your own 'list of joy' and seek out joyful moments, today and all days. 

To work with a guide for more clarity, accountability, and strategy for finding joy and self-care in your busy life, schedule a gratis consult with me right here

With warmth,
