Wander Well Provisions Week No. 5

Wander Well Provisions

Dear ones,

Today's list includes a mix of wonderful people, places, and blogs I'm grateful for. And it includes a gift for you -- a 20% off code for all Private Wellness Sessions booked with me (in person or virtually) at wanderingwellness.com. Use the code NOVEMBERLOVE16 right here

Happy weekend wanders! 

ZERO WASTE || Lately, I have been immensely grateful for the women of these wonderful blogs -- especially for their work on zero waste. Read the Thirlby's thoughts here on lessening our footprint and another wonderful post from Free + Native right on this very topic.

FREE PROSPERITY || Across these past few weeks, filled with fear and grief, the idea of prosperity can feel far from the mind. But I think it's the BEST possible time to dream big, think big, and continue on your path toward your destiny. This *free* YouTube video from Rama TV and my favorite, Guru Jagat is a wonderful 20 minute set to get you on your way to success. 

LOCAL LOVE || Lastly, as we'll be inundated with black Friday advertisements across the next few days, a reminder to shop small. In the D.C. Area, I'd love to spread the word about 3 women-owned businesses I LOVE. Here's my new favorite bookstore, my favorite kitchen shop, and this lovely line of natural beauty products.