Being The Light

Being The Light

When the whole world falls, you must stand as a lighthouse. When there comes a great, great destructive typhoon of temptation, you must bless it and walk out of it.

 Yogi Bhajan

Today is the new moon. The new moon in Sagittarius, to be exact. And whether you've been practicing new moon rituals for years or have no idea what the heck I'm talking about, I've compiled some thoughts below on how to be a light in the darkness. Regardless of your love of moons or stars, I hope this offers some inspiration. 


This cycle is about BEING the light. As we approach the winter solstice on December 21st and the darkest day of the year, this can be a time of shadow, of darkness, and yes, absolutely of fear. But, you don't have to be afraid of the dark. The truth of the matter is you ALWAYS have a light inside you.The truth of the matter is at your core - you are made of light. Brilliant, eternal light. That's the most true part of you, actually.

So what does it mean to BE the light during a time of literal and metaphoric darkness? 

It means using your natural gifts to make your relationships, your community, and mother earth better. To brighten and to shine without apology. For some it might be spreading joy or humor. For others, it might be your artistic gifts or your incredible capacity for teaching or listening. 

It doesn't have to be fancy. But it does have to happen. You are here to shine. You are here for a reason. It's time to be that light. 


As with any precious resource, your light must be protected. It must be nurtured and for some who have a harder time finding or feeling their special light - it must be cultivated. Here are a few ways to do just that:

JOURNAL. Set a time for 5 minutes. Let yourself download your thoughts, your hopes, your dreams. Get to know yourself with intention and kindness. As my friend Alex (journaler extraordinaire) likes to say - if you don't know what to write or don't feel inspired, then write "I don't feel like writing today," and be done with it. It's just the act of showing up that starts to cultivate a relationship and a nourishment of self. 

MEDITATE. So many of us feel this pull for protecting our light. It's not a 'nice-to-have' anymore - clearing space in your mind and your heart is ESSENTIAL in this time of great distraction and discord. Find your flavor and again, start small. 

BEFRIEND SILENCE. There is a powerful magic in silence. It's deeply unnerving for me at first, then it crescendos to a place of clarity, peace, and even catharsis. Find a way to befriend silence this season. 

TREAT YOURSELF. No you don't have to buy $500 boots, but perhaps treat yourself to that massage, or wellness session, or even cooking class you've been pining for. You ultimately know what will light you up and maintain your brightness. Now is the season to take care of it! 

For any additional questions as we celebrate this new moon today, please feel free to reach out. I'm here to offer support, inspiration and encouragement.