rolling with my homies

Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?

--Mary Oliver

You know when you just miss your friends? You yearn for the camaraderie of your old college besties and you wish desperately you could just wave a magic wand (too much harry potter lately) or just snap your fingers and materialize a wonderful all-girls reunion trip? Yes, well, sometimes dreams do come true.

I’m honestly still dumbstruck and deliriously excited that an email I sent yesterday replete with Mary Oliver quotes (like "listen--are you breathing just a little and calling it a life?" and the aforementioned) has resulted in a college friend reunion in San Fran this December. My friends responded quickly, with excitement, with passion, and reflecting the very same sentiment I felt to see them, to be united with my girls, to carve out time despite the expense and hassle that impromptu travel can bring.  

Which got me thinking about 2 things:

  1. What else could we make materialize quickly, what else could we manifest in our lives if we REALLY truly wanted it. If we just asked. If we just tried to inspire ourselves or those we love around us to do something, to change, to take a risk, to be spontaneous. The worst is hearing the word 'no', or just being right back where you started. But what if you said yes? What if others said yes too? What if in 2 months you’re heading to the mountains with people that make your heart sing? 
  2. How important it is to stay in touch with old friends. I am one of the WORST when it comes to communication. I’m that person who has wonderful thoughts about my friends – seeing a person that sorta looks like a friend from far away and thinking - gosh, I should call her! Or hearing a funny joke that would make another friend laugh, or eating something so exquisite I want to teleport it to another foodie friend. But guess what. When it comes to friendships, it’s not just the thought that counts. You’ve got to put in the effort to stay connected. What’s wonderful though, is today, it doesn’t require THAT much effort. Tag a friend in a funny or inspiring insta post, write an email, or even better send a letter (remember those old fashioned things?).  It’s not hard to reconnect, to keep the flame of friendship alive and it is so damn worth it. Trust me. 

I am going on a California-nature-gettaway with at least 5 of my best college friends in a few weeks and I couldn't be more excited. But the thing is, you too can plan an adventure like this. A bit of Air B&B hunting, a bit of inspirational-quoting, and you may have your next great journey in your hands. To help provide some motivation, here are a few images from our over-the-years-reunioning. It's time to reunite with old friends. 
